Rugby fitness training information
Find here many articles and information sources to further expand your
rugby knowledge. Simply click on the article of most interest.
The six types of hunger.
Many people suffer an inability to control their eating patterns and thus struggle to get into shape as a consequence. A large part of this is not being aware of the six types of hunger. Read this article to find out more.
A core activation programme.
Many people find their core muscles are sleeping. If this is the case then following this quick programme will help your body remember how to activate your core and this will greatly increase strength while reducing injuries.
The different types of weight training
There are many different types of weight training methodologies that you can follow. Almost every player I meet just does one of these and it isn’t even the most effective for rugby performance. Read the article to find out what other options you have available to you.
How to become a professional rugby player.
If your goal is to become a professional rugby player or to represent your country then this article outlines exactly what you need to do succeed.
New year resolutions – Key considerations before you start
As January fast approaches almost everyone it seems will attempt some
sort of health and fitness regime. To ensure you do not waste your
time or efforts and become one of the vast majority of people who
fail year in year out this article outlines some key questions to
be asking before you begin on your regime.
My fitness plans help Fijian province Northlands to their best ever
Over the last 10 months I have been supplying the fitness programmes
for the small province of Northlands in the South East corner of
Fiji. With my help they have achieved their highest ever finish
and won the Farebrother cup for the first time in their history.
Read about how I helped them achieve this.
An example Anaerobic base sprint training session.
This example work out is one that would be used early in the pre-season
or as a maintenance sessions during the season depending on your
current fitness levels.
Maximize your gains this off season.
The off season is the one time of the year rugby players can transform
their fitness uninterrupted through injuries or matches. Learn what
your routine should contain.
Your body shape and implications for fat loss.
Learn how your body shape and fat storage pattern affects what foods will
help or hinder you losing weight.
The better or worse approach to rugby fitness training.
Read about this key attitude which will allow you to easily maintain motivation month by month. Through changing your mind set it will allow you to get results without feeling deprived or restricted by your training schedule and lifestyle. Essential reading for everyone.
Metabolic typing Pod cast
Watch my 30 minute pod cast on metabolic typing filmed Pod3 TV. In the
pod cast I discuss metabolic typing and how it relates to what you
should eat, how much you should eat and what foods you need to avoid.
How to build muscle.
Learn the most effective ways to increase your muscle mass. This involves
giving your body the stimulus to build muscle and then the nutrients
to carry this process through.
Ben Wilson Joins Swedish national team coaching set-up.
Read about how I intend to help the Swedish national rugby team from
38th in the world to qualifying for a world cup.
Good and bad ways to lose weight
Read about the different techniques people use to lose weight and the
relative merits and disadvantages of these approaches. An important
article to read if you are looking to drop some body fat.
Active stretching programme
Read about active stretching and use this programme to loosen yourself
up before any exercise session and thus keep you injury free while
maximizing performance levels.
The five most common errors in the gym
Read about the five biggest errors I see in the vast majority of rugby
players. Changing these can have a sensational effect on your results.
Listen to me on LBC radio.
I recently
appeared on LBC radio discussing general health and fitness. This
should provide interesting listening with principles discussed being
easily transferred to your goals.
example of a metabolic typing diet plan.
I recently appeared on LBC radio discussing general health and fitness. This
should provide interesting listening with principles discussed being
easily transferred to your goals.
The key to rugby performance. It is the science of programme design
used by every professional athlete in the world.
Metabolic typing
The most powerful nutrition system in the world using your body chemistry
to discover exactly what nutrients you need.
An overview of the psychology of personal performance and methods used
to enhance your mental skills.
Emotional freedom technique
The cutting edge system to give you the upper hand in the mental aspects
to sports performance.
Agility training
The methods used to improve your ability to out maneuver your opponent.
Critical to success in one on one situations.
Aerobic training
The fitness base upon which all your performance must rely.
Strength training
The key training technique to improve your speed, strength and power
to give you that crucial all round performance edge
Plyometric training
The fun and effective method of increasing speed and power.
Sprint training
The definite way to improve your speed on the field of play and thus
separate you from the opposition.
Core training
The Base upon which all efficient movement must rely. Effective core
stability will give your greater speed and strength.
Flexibility training
The overlooked element critical for both improved performance as well
as reducing injury rates.
Sports Supplements
Discover the truth behind creatine and protein supplementation.
Hunger – What it means for your training results.
Learn about why being hungry can impede your results from training.
Static stretching
Learn about how stretching is the base of your fitness and a key to injury
Aerobic training programme
Follow this aerobic training 15 minute workout blitz.
Weight training session using the different types of weight training
Use this combination workout to use the various different types of weight training all within one session.
Strength training session developing both types of strength
Work on both your fast and slow speed strength within one session using this training programme.
The Squat
Read about the king of exercise. Learn what to do, how to vary it and what to avoid doing.
The Lunge
Learn about this powerful exercise. Understand how to do it, variations to use and what not to do.
Plyometric training session
Improve your speed, power and agility skills with this simple plyometric training session.
Knee Pain
Learn about why knee pain occurs and how to resolve it. |