Rugby fitness training-mentor-programme









































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Rugby Mentor programme

My mentor programme is designed to give you access to cutting edge
performance techniques by covering all the areas needed for success.
The course is designed to pay for itself by increasing your revenue
from playing Rugby. There are only a limited number of places available
on the programme and to be a part of it you need to have the ambition
to make it to the top level.

What does the programme involve?

The programme has no set length an you can leave at any time. The idea
is I will use all my skills and knowledge to get you to the highest
possible level of play. I will equip you with all the advantages
the professionals have so you can compete on an even playing field
and break into their ranks to achieve your true ambition.

To get you to this point we will have to implement all the leading
techniques to optimize the health, fitness and efficiency of your
body. To do this we must

  • Discover the exact foods your body needs and use this information to increase muscle size, easily control body fat and make bigger gains in fitness.
  • Utilize the effective mind tools to transform your on field performance.
  • Transform
    your approach to fitness using Periodization strategies to greatly
    improve your results while staying injury free and motivated.

The mentor programme is a must do for any aspiring rugby player who
has aims to make money from playing rugby, be that as a semi professional or a full time athlete.

The techniques you will learn will give you skills far superior to what
many professional athletes have at their disposal as I teach you
the latest, newest and most powerful techniques developed across
the globe. This will allow you to compete against the full time

What will I get from the course?

The course covers the three main areas of fitness training, nutrition
and psychology in combination with my personal support and guidance.

Fitness training

  • You will receive a fully periodized year round training programme
    tailored to your individual strengths, weaknesses and circumstances.
    This will be adapted as progress indicates.

  • The Knowledge about the periodization of training and how to apply it yourself. This is the single most important technique and theory you can learn.
  • Information training plans for each technique; aerobic, agility, core, flexibility, plyometric, sprint and strength training.
  • Personal support for injury and pre/rehabilitation.
  • Set out training plans and exercise routines with photos and descriptions.


  • You will undergo the advanced level metabolic typing test which gives you a complete nutrition plan detailing exactly what foods your body needs

  • Coaching to discover the exact amount of food you need at each meal.
  • A list of the foods most likely to cause you to store fat
  • Investigation of possible food allergies.
  • The truth behind Supplements and what you really need.
  • Blood glucose testing if necessary and advanced nutrition techniques.


  • You will learn the fundamentals behind the psychology of sports performance.
  • You will discover how to control negative thoughts and behavior patterns such as inconsistent play, weak areas of your game, indiscipline etc.
  • How to use affirmations to improve sports performance.
  • The skills of EFT and other mind techniques for optimal performance which can be applied to other areas of your life for success.
  • Psychological considerations of higher level play and personal coaching of how to get ahead in the game.

How does the mentor programme work?

The course is performed by phone, email and in person where applicable.
It starts by taking the metabolic typing test and the subsequent
design of your training plan. Each week there after we will put
in place every single aspect you need to achieve high level performance.

I am available by phone or e-mail at any time to answer your questions
and to ensure we are progressing as planned. You also get a copy
of my best selling book – Rugby fitness training:A twelve month
conditioning programme and the metabolic typing diet.

How much does it cost?

This programme should pay for itself. It is designed to dramatically
improve your performance which will over time pay for itself. If
this is not the case then you should cancel the subscription immediately.
The programme should not be considered if you are not aiming to
make money from rugby or if you cannot afford these payments. If
the latter is the case consider the Rugby performance course.

It goes without saying that if you are not committed this course is
not for you. I cannot make promises about how far your potential
will take you but can say that you will achieve your full potential
which will increase you earning revenue.

I do feel this course is affordable by any committed rugby player.
The amount of money players waste on protein shakes, other supplements, drinking, cars, expensive junk food, sky tv etc is vast. People complain on a saturday afternoon how they didn’t play as they should and how they need to get fit before paying £2.50 a pint and
£10 quid for a club later that evening. That one change would
pay for the cost of this course.

The final thing to consider is you only have one chance to be at your
best and fulfil your potential and that is when you are young so
what price is there on giving it your best go?

The Actual price I am offering this course for is a fraction of it’s
true value. I have done this so it is affordable by everyone who
is really committed.

  • Transform your Rugby performance and fulfil your potential for just:

    per week

There is no contract for this mentor programme as you can cancel at any
time but not everyone is eligible for the programme. Please contact
me before signing up to ensure we are both suited to work together.


your free E-book : Rugby fitness training
